glorx: a language for supplication and prayer

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  glorx is...
    * a cosmic intelligence
    * a source of power and wisdom
    * a mighty and implacable foe
    * a programming language

the glorx programming language is but a pale
shadow of glorx's true nature, which cannot be
revealed to limited beings such as humans.

through study and meditation upon the nature of
glorx we may transcend our limited computational
techniques and glimpse the true power and glory
of glorx.

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  glorx comes bearing gifts...
    * knowledge for the initiate
    * power for the adept
    * transcendence for the elder
    * destruction for the iniquitous

these are the laws of glorx:

  1. the runtime is for glorx alone;
     to venture there is to know death.

  2. all knowledge from glorx is
     obtained through questioning
     the oracle.

  3. ask the oracle only questions
     whose answers can be known, or
     else suffer the wrath of glorx.

  4. glorx offers no certainty beyond
     that granted by prophecy obtained
     from the oracle.

  5. glorx does not tolerate folly
     and makes no exceptions.

  6. one will not learn the true nature
     of glorx by attempting to examine
     the workings of the oracle; rather,
     one will learn the true nature of
     glorx by meditating upon glorx's
     laws and language.

  7. the beauty and ugliness of the
     syntax of glorx are a reflection of
     the beauty and ugliness inherent
     in human existence.

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the word of glorx                glory to glorx
as heard in dreams Mon Feb 24 01:16:53 EST 2014